Perfect Day

day 12  //  florence    

Today was the perfect day. To start, I got to sleep in. I almost forgot what that felt like, but it was even better than I remembered.  Then I went for a run with a couple other girls, we ran to the market across town only to find that it wasn't open, so we just ran back. It felt so good to get a workout in finally, I never thought I'd say I missed running. Then we had a yummy little brunch at a little place right on the river and then ran to the market to get some groceries and other little we needed stuff for our apartments. Then we dropped our groceries off and just walked around Florence. It was the first time we had been able to just leisurely roam around without being in a time crunch and it felt so good. We ended up finding a stand that sold cheap scarves, so we got the traditional purple and red Florence soccer scarves so that we would be perfectly dressed and festive for the soccer game later that night. We also had a couple funny comments made to us as we were walking around that I thought were too funny not to share. We were walking around in our workout clothing, which is maybe why we heard the following:

"Niceeee assssss." - Random street vendor

"O. M. G." - Old man on the street

And my personal favorite,

from a random middle-aged man walking past us on the sidewalk…
"B*tches! Come to bed with me, half an hour, once a week, and you won't need no exercise."

Then we returned home and got ready, then met for dinner before the soccer game.  The game was so much fun. It was a little chilly, but it was such a cool experience.  I love watching soccer too, so I was pretty into the game.  They played Genoa and it ended in a 3-3 tie. We spent majority of our time checking out the hunky European players ;) Then we headed back home for bed after another busy weekend! 

(Oh and on the way to the bus stop before the soccer game we saw our favorite middle aged sidewalk man again, this time with a different greeting that I deemed too colorful for my classy blog.  But twice in one day? What are the odds?)


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