It's Monday

day 13  //  florence

For some weird reason I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me last night, so I ran on roughly 3 hours of sleep today and you know what that means… COFFEE. It's official, I am now a coffee drinker. I don't think I could survive without it here. After class, a group of us grabbed salads to go and all went back to Lexie (CSU), Karley (CSU), Dakota (CSU), and Heidi (Vanderbilt)'s apartment to eat.  They all live together so I spend a lot of time over there. (I'm giving you everyone's names and schools so that you can kinda get to know them as you read my blogs - cool huh? I thought so.) Then we went downstairs (right below their apartment) to the supermarket because I needed a few food items. I wasn't feeling very well so I headed back to my apartment for the rest of night.  I just relaxed, caught up on blogging and editing pictures, and went to bed early (I needed it considering my recent lack of sleep.) Not a very exciting day, but it was just the kind of day that I needed. 

PS - I'm finally caught up on my blogs now, so I'll try to continue to do daily posts, but I'll probably miss a day or two here and there. We shall see I suppose. Also, please feel free to comment on my posts - I am writing this for you guys and I'd love to hear from you :) I hope everyone is doing well back home, I miss everyone so much and wish you all could be here with me! How cool would that be? Love you all! 

PSS - I'll have pictures of my apartment up soon, don't worry! :)

PSSS (Is that even a thing? Oh well.) - If you want to see all my pictures in one place, check out:   


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