long time no see

Why hello there. It's been awhile. (But really it seems like forever considering I blogged for 114 days straight and now this is only my second post in 2 months.) Soooo what's new you might ask? Well...

On June 6th it was supposedly National Donut Day. I don't know if that's a real thing, but any reason to get donuts works for me. So Paige and I went out on a donut hunt. We went to Jerry's Cakes and Donuts (the best in town), but there was a sign on the door that said, "Closed. Out of donuts." SERIOUSLY???? ON NATIONAL DONUT DAY???? Ugh, whatever. Next place we went was out of donuts, too. (Absolutely ridiculous, I know.) So we ended up having to just get some at Safeway. Not the greatest, but they certainly sufficed.
Nutz 4 donutz

(And yes, Paige dyed her hair very, very blonde. That's the color her hair was when she was a toddler, so I think it looks absolutely adorable on her.)

It was really beautifully foggy out that day too, so we made sure to document. How pretty is our backyard???
Staring into the eternal abyss
So serious

My grandparents celebrated their 58th anniversary on June 9th. (Which also happens to be my half birthday, but no one ever seems to care too much about that... *sigh*) They are still as cute as ever am I right???
They celebrated with a big office party at their house and my little cousins along with Paige and me helped out to make the party run smoothly. When it died down, we went off on our own and took some pictures. (The boys love when I take pictures of them, they feel pretty dang cool.)
Soooooo cool
Deuces 4ever
They love me
The 15th was Father's Day, and while my dad was out golfing my mom, Paige, and I went down to check out the West Boulevard Festival! (My dad isn't really into this crafty, girly stuff, so we had to do it while he was gone.) 
Perfect day for a festival

(Not pictured are our chocolate covered bananas, frozen lemonade, and massive bag of kettle corn....) (Let's be honest, those are the real reasons we go to the WBF...)

On June 16th, it was Hannah's boyfriend Blake's birthday. His sister-in-law's birthday was also recently, so they celebrated in Wyoming together. Hannah is freaking amazing and made these cakes for them. I told her to start a business, but she said she only likes doing it for fun. She's crazy.

South Dakota has been experiencing some crazy weather recently. West River lucked out and didn't get anything other than some tennis-ball sized hail, but East River and the surrounding area was hit bad. This is one of my friends from Augie's pick-up that got stuck in a rain-storm. 
Today I received a package in the mail from my friend, Marissa, from Augie. She meant to send it while I was abroad in Italy, but never got around to it, so she sent it to me now as a little welcome-home present. It included a bunch of my very favorite things. It made my day and made me realize I am so very blue without her too.
Cute package from an even cuter friend

A few more things that I don't have pictures to illustrate:
  • FINALLY (and I repeat, FINALLY) got Paige to start running with me and she loves it now. *Proud sister moment*
  • After an extensive hunt, Paige and I finally found an apartment in Mesa. (LIFE UPDATE: We are moving to Arizona together at the end of August and going to school there.) We are now signing up for classes and everything is falling into place. So weird that in a couple months we will be moving in together. Thoughts and prayers that we don't kill each other..... 
  • One-week countdown to Kauai officially starts tomorrow. CAN I GET A WHOOP-WHOOP?!?!?
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