Juice Bar in Italy!?

day 14  //  florence

CIAO everyone! That's one of the very few words I know how to say fluently, which is a little concerning considering I have my Italian midterm tomorrow… which is just really weird since I've only been in the class for 8 days. But I actually have been learning more and more everyday and doing my best to not scream "American" all the time. Today after class Heidi (Vanderbilt), Lauren (University of Michigan), and I decided to go find the juice bar we had heard about. (Here I am trying to not scream "American" while I look for a healthy green juice bar in Italy.) The one we had in mind was closed, but we ended up finding another one and it was SO GOOD. They had smoothies, make-your-own parfaits & salads, green juices, basically everything I've been feeling deprived of since I've been here. Plus it has free-wifi which is actually a really big deal. WiFi is a very coveted thing here in Europe and for somewhere to have both that AND smoothies, well let's just say I'll be spending a lot of time there. After that I headed home for a little relaxing time before the night's plans of dinner and studying. (And maybe gelato.) Wish me luck on my test, my crazy odd-ball teacher didn't give us all the answers this time so I actually have to study… What a concept right? 

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