Skipping School

day 17  //  florence

So I may or may not have skipped school today… (Sorry mom). We are allowed to have two absences during this first two week period and I haven't missed any yet and everyone is so exhausted and getting sick that sleeping in just sounded too good to pass up. So after I woke up (at 11:30 - oh it was glorious) we decided to have a little day out on the town. We had lunch at the juice bar and did a bit of shopping. Actually, correction, did a bit of going into stores and looking at stuff, because God knows I don't have any extra money to spend. I did get a curling iron and an umbrella though - two things I've been really needing. After that we headed home for a little while before going to aperitivo at a nearby restaurant. (Aperitivo is just like an early dinner of drinks and appetizers… Since I'm getting sick I ordered an orange juice and the bartender looked at my like I was crazy and asked me if I wanted vodka with it - don't worry mom I said no.) Then I headed back to my apartment where I showered and crawled into bed to catch some z's before our early day trip to Pisa and Lucca tomorrow. So please excuse me as I plan out all of my leaning tower of Pisa picture poses for tomorrow - I'm embarrassingly excited.

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