Planning Travel is Stressful

day 16  //  florence

I could hardly get out of bed this morning, but class turned out to be pretty good. First, I did well on my midterm that we got back today. And second…… my teacher had a cute 17-year-old Italian boy come to our class for the entire 4 hours and play study games with us. Soooo yeah, class was pretty good today ;) We were supposed to hike up to the Piazzale Michaelangelo today after school, but it was really rainy all day so they postponed it.  Heidi and I got soup after class then headed back to her apartment (she lives with Karley, Lexie, and Dakota - all three from CSU) where we began planning the rest of our weekend and holiday trips for the rest of the semester. We spent hours organizing our thoughts and trying to decide the best/cheapest way to get to each place we wanted to go. A big travel company here is Bus2Alps, which is a program that designs and schedules trips for weekends, holidays, spring break, etc. specifically for study abroad students. So the timing is perfect and the prices are cheap. Our thoughts were so scattered that we actually ended up just walking to the Bus2Alps headquarters here in Florence and doing it all in person instead of online. I ended up booking 3 trips today: Cinque Terre, Munich for SpringFest, and the Amalfi Coast. One of my top wish list places to visit was Morocco and we were going to book the Bus2Alps trip for Easter break, but you have to get your own flight there and they were all so expensive, so we didn't. I was so bummed, but I'm determined to make it there sometime in my life. We still have a few more to plan and book, but I'm glad I got those out of the way and don't have to stress over them any more! I'm so stinkin' excited for all the traveling I get to do while I'm here. Florence is the most perfect place to study abroad because, well it's beautiful, but also because it's a huge hub for outside traveling. I've said it before and I'll say it again but I'm so glad I chose to study here. Moving on though, after we finished all of that we headed back to our apartments to get ready for the night. It's one of my good friends' 21st birthday so we all went out to dinner at a fun Mexican restaurant (Mexican in Italy, weird I know) then we went to a local cafe/club called Astor because one of the guys in our group got a DJing gig there. We danced and celebrated and had a splendid night! 

PS - My mom and I concluded that commenting doesn't work from phones and iPads, I'm not sure why and I'm trying to solve it but for now it only works from computers - just a heads up!

(Left to right) - Dakota, Lexie, Me, Heidi, Karley

With Jill, the birthday girl!

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