Touring the City

day 5  //  florence 

Today consisted of meetings and tours, simply just getting to know the city and how to act and be safe in it. We went on an over 3 hour walking tour of the city, just gathering our bearings and seeing some cool stuff along the way.  I had my first Italian pizza for lunch - talk about yummy.  Can't wait for more!  We passed my future apartment on the tour, it is literally connected to the school - just right around the corner. Is that a sweet deal or what!? I CANNOT wait to move in finally on Wednesday, I'm so tired of living out of bags. Also, dinner is so late here. They don't have dinner until at least 8 at night, it's so weird to me. That's all for today, trying to catch up! Here are some pictures I snapped while on the walking tour.

The street my school is on
I see gelato everywhere I go… It's dangerous

My first authentic Italian pizza!


Thought this little guy was too cute

The beautiful Ponte Vecchio

Rainy day for a tour

My first Italian pizza… Mmmm

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