Brunch in Fiesole

day 19  //  florence  //  fiosole  // florence

I got to sleep in a little today, but we had to meet at the bus stop at 10:30 to leave for Fiesole. Fiesole is a small town the neighbors Florence, so it only took us around 20 minutes to get there. First we toured a museum with some really cool ancient pottery, sculptures, bones, etc. then we toured this awesome old outdoor Roman theater. There was moss and trees everywhere and it was a drizzling rain (if you know me at all you know I love the rain), so everything was super green and just so beautiful. I took so many random pictures just of moss on rocks and stuff because it was just so gorgeous. Then we walked up to this lookout spot where we could see all of Florence and - oh my gosh - it was breathtaking. There simply are no words to describe the beauty of Italy. (And I still have a lot left to see!) Then we went and had brunch at a nearby restaurant. We were all starving, so you can imagine our excitement when we walked downstairs to our tables and saw that there was already food on our tables. We devoured it all like animals, only to be greeted by a server delivering our next course. We didn't expect more food, so we were all getting full already, but we ate it anyway. Then when we got close to finishing our second course they brought another, and another, and another. It ended up being like an eight course meal, and you bet we ate it all. I don't know if that was a normal Italian brunch or if they were trying to cater to a stereotypical "American" way of eating, but it was a LOT of food. Almost too much. Almost. We then loaded back up on the bus and drove back down the hill to Florence. After we walked back to the apartments, everyone was ready for a nice, long nap. I cleaned up my room and bathroom, put some laundry in, and crawled into bed for a little afternoon relaxation and picture editing time. Since it was the Super Bowl, everyone went out to a bar to watch it. But it didn't start until 1 AM here, and since I'm sick I decided I should probably stay back and sleep. Crossing my fingers I beat this bug quick, it's no fun being sick in Italy.

Somebody pinch me, I'm living in a dream
The view of Florence from Fiesole

Told you I took a lot of random moss pictures...
Florence (view from Fiesole)

Fiesole & Florence

Roman theater

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1 comment

  1. Great pictures today - that view over Florence is incredible. Love it! mom


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