
day 20  //  florence  

Sooo I may or may not have slept in until noon today… Holy smokes it felt so good. We didn't have class until 2:30 for some reason I'm not totally sure of, but hey - I'm not complaining. After class at 5:30 I went back to Lexie, Karley, Dakota, and Heidi's apartment (for my blog's sake we're going to call it apartment #2 because I'm there so much and will be referring to it in future posts I'm sure). So, I went back to apartment #2 where a group of us girls decided we wanted to do T-25 (it's a workout video, kind of like Insanity), so we all got in our tennies and put in the DVD. Keep in mind there are SIX of us all squeezed into a small bedroom in a already small Italian apartment. Just try to picture that. It was pretty funny to say the least, but it felt so good to workout. Afterwards I was feeling super energized so another girl and I went for a quick run. Then I ate some dinner and studied for my final tomorrow back at apartment #2 before I went back to my own apartment to crawl into bed and finish studying. Real classes start tomorrow too. I thought they started Wednesday but they start tomorrow, so I have class from 2:30-5:15 and then our final is at 5:20. I'm excited to start classes - I'm taking Photography for the Media, Elementary Italian II, and Made in Italy: The Symbols of Italian Identity from Espresso to Ferrari. Rough schedule I know ;) Right when I thought my day was over, I got a Facebook message from Myranda saying she was in town for a class! I was so excited, so we planned to meet up. After she finished dinner I met her and some of her friends from her school on the Ponte Vecchio. I walked there and as I started walking across the bridge I saw someone running towards me. I realized it was Myranda so we ran to each other and hugged. It's still so bizarre to me that I just casually met up with one of my best friends in the world in the middle of Italy. We walked around a little and grabbed gelato before they had to meet back up with their group. It was a quick visit, but it was so good to see a familiar face, especially Myranda's. 

Myranda's friend secretly snapped this picture :)

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