Chocolate Festival

day 30  //  florence  //  prague

Thursdays are crazy days for me. I have early class, a small break, afternoon class, then I usually leave Thursday nights for weekend trips. So Thursdays are definitely crazy days. Today was a good crazy day though. In photography class we learned about Robert Capa, an old war photographer, and then we went to his exhibit here in Florence. How cool is it that I can read about a guy in a textbook then get up and walk a few minutes to his exhibit? I love Florence. Anyways, usually art exhibits bore me a little, even though I have an appreciation for the arts for some reason museums and stuff like that just don't do it for me. But today was different. I was so into it. I looked at every photo, read every caption and analyzed each one too. I knew the photographers story so it made his work so much more interesting. I really, really enjoyed it! Then we were supposed to go out as a class and take photos for a project we are doing, but when the class spotted the chocolate festival that was going on, our professor decided to do that instead. Again, I love Florence :) We roamed around all the booths, sampling anything we could get our hands on. It was all so delicious, but my personal favorite were the dark chocolate covered hazelnuts. Mmmmm. I have a newfound love for hazelnuts and hazelnut flavored treats. Especially when paired with chocolate… It's like Nutella and I can't resist. We spent the rest of our 3 hour class period there. Then I went back to my apartment to hectically eat some lunch and pack for Prague. Before I knew it it was time for class. Today in Italian we learned how to say things relating to our and apartments and rooms within them, so like couch, table, refrigerator, etc. Then I can home to finalize my packig and went across the river to another friends' apartment where we ate dinner and headed to the train station. We checked in and boarded our THIRTEEN hour bus ride to Prague. It actually ended up being 15 hours because our bus broke down. It was the longest bus ride of my life. (Not even exaggerating though, I've never been on any sort of road trip that long before.)

Walking across the river tonight

Thought you might enjoy some chocolate photos :)

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