Photo Delay

day 27  //  florence

After a crazy, awesome weekend in Switzerland, I finally got to sleep in a little this morning since I didn't have class until 2:30. (That worked out nicely didn't it?) I really didn't do anything before class other than shower, get ready, and eat lunch. I wanted to upload and edit photos from my camera but apparently my computer charging cord is broken :( I'm going to buy a new one tomorrow though so that I can finally get all of my Switzerland pictures up for you guys to see (FINALLY). I did get my canyon jumping video up along with some pictures from my phone, so go check out my last couple blog posts for those. After class I grabbed some dinner and fresh fruit from a nearby fruit & veggie stand (we can pay for them with our meal voucher things… booyaaa). Then I came home for the night to clean and get organized for the week. It's weird not having the weekend to recuperate and relax, I'm gonna have to use my school-day mornings for that here! 
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