Mangoes & Madama Butterfly

day 28  //  florence

I woke up on a mission today. I needed to go get a new computer cord, go find an ATM, grab something to eat, clean my room, do some laundry, take out my garbage, and catch up on The Bachelor all before class. Class wasn't until 2:30 so it was very doable, but I ran into some obstacles. When I finally found a place that sold MacBook chargers I tried to buy one but my credit card wouldn't work for some reason. So I decided I would go get cash from the ATM and come back and pay with that, plus I needed to go to the ATM anyway so it worked out. It took me forever to find one, there just aren't very many right in my area and keep in mind I'm doing all this on foot. Finally found one, didn't work, so found another one, didn't work. Turns out I forgot my pin and I was using my garage code instead (come on Tessa, get it together). But long story short, I returned home with some food but no charger. Hence another post from my phone and another day of not being able to upload photos. IT WILL HAPPEN SOON I SWEAR. I did manage to have enough time to watch The Bachelor before class. (Yes, even in Italy I'm still obsessed and can't get behind on my favorite show.) Then after class I went to the fruit stand and got some oranges. I was feeling saucy so I splurged and got a mango too. I was way too excited about it so I went straight home to eat it. It was the biggest, juiciest, best mango I've ever eaten. Oh my gosh, so good. Might have to make that a routine thing. Then I got ready for dinner and the opera! Yes, the opera! We went to the opera house and saw "Madama Butterfly". (We accidentally went to the Opera Hotel on our search for the opera house... Oops!) It was so cool and such a neat experience. It was hard to focus and understand because everything's being sung in Italian but they had English subtitles which kind of helped but also were kind of distracting. Nonetheless it was an awesome experience and I'm so glad I got the chance to do it! Plus, the singing was incredible! Speaking of, I bet you all miss my singing don't you??? ;)
At the theater with Heidi

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1 comment

  1. I do miss your 'kinda loud & kinda repetitive' sweet beautiful, mom


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