Vatican City

day 38  //  rome  //  vatican city  //  rome

Today was a day of highs and lows. We woke up early and grabbed breakfast quick before our tour at 8 AM. The hotel breakfast wasn't the best, I ended up having this cereal that was a blend of coco puffs and cardboard, but I lived guys don't worry ;) Good thing I did too because first stop on the tour was THE VATICAN. After waiting in line for a long time, we toured the Vatican Museum. I can't believe how breathtaking every single inch of every room is. It's hard to even appreciate the beauty and history of everything because it is literally overflowing with it. Then we saw the Sistine Chapel, which was incredible. I couldn't fathom that I was in the private chapel that so many popes had prayed in. Then we saw St. Peter's Basilica. It was literally the biggest church I've ever been to. (HA HA because it's the biggest church in the world) It was so amazing. Usually the group tours get a little boring and I end up zoning out but I was so into today's tour because I felt like I connected with it so much more. Then we sat down and had lunch at a nearby cafe before we walked around and shopped all afternoon. My right knee has been bothering me all week but for some reason today it got exponentially worse and I was limping pretty badly. I was getting concerned because I wasn't sure what could've happened that would make it hurt so badly but I could hardly bend it or move it at all. On top of that, my lack of sleep caught up to me and I have a pretty bad cold. I hardly have a voice and I sound like a man. So walking around and shopping was a little miserable for me but I couldn't really do anything about it so I sucked it up! We ran around until it was time for dinner around 7. (Restaurants here don't even open until 7 because they're eating schedule is so much later.) We went to Tony's again... (told you we'd be back). Then we went back to the hotel where I showered and went to bed as early as possible. About my knee, I think I just have tendinitis or something similar so I just have to take anti-inflammatories and it should be fine soon! So despite being sick and a little crippled, exploring Vatican City made it all so worth it.

Side note: So last night we were going to go to dinner with Heidi's friend from school who is studying in Rome but at the last minute she texted Heidi and said she couldn't come because a one her friends in her program here in Rome never came home from the bars the night before and was missing. Police were investigating so everyone in her program was on lock down and couldn't leave. It was a major reality check for all of us on how cautious, careful, and aware we have to be at all times. Heidi has been checking in with her friend and they have yet to find him.

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