Back At It

day 76  //  florence

What is school? Well apparently it's something I had to go back to today. Can't it be spring break forever??? (And then I remember I'm in Florence and am going on like 4 different trips in the next month…) SO, I spent most of my morning in my bed because was a kind of immobile due to my knee hurting again. But eventually I showered, ate, and went to class. My first class got out early, so Heidi and I went to the fruit stand and got mangoes! We went back to my apartment to eat them and catch up on each other's lives before we had to go back to class. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen all my friends here! They were all in Greece together, so I was pretty much the only one they haven't seen, so they were all wondering how my trip was and I was dying to know about theirs. So after my Italian class I went over to apartment #2 to eat dinner and share spring break stories! (Theirs were a little juicier than mine as you can probably imagine.) After awhile I came back to my apartment to unpack, clean, and finish getting all my photos edited and uploaded. I got them all on Facebook, but I will be putting them up on the blog tomorrow. (I'm exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open long enough to write this, let alone put up all my pictures.) Hopefully my mom and Shelly are able to get home safely tonight, it might be tricky considering it was a snow-day in Rapid today. But fingers crossed they aren't delayed any more! (Still upset about the Paris airport thing - they should get a free trip or something.) Okay I'm rambling and I need to go to bed. Goodnight to whoever actually reads my blog. I love ya.

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