Eating Mango Skin

day 77  //  florence

This morning when I woke up I got a bite to eat before doing my homework. I had a presentation I had to give in photography today about controversial photos, so I started and completed that this morning. (Because why not wait until the last minute?) Then I uploaded ALL of my photos from spring break to like my last 5 blog posts, so PLEASE go check all those out if you haven't already. I had an amazing time and took some pretty cool pictures that I'm so excited to share. Plus, there are pictures of our Paris apartment that you just have to see because it was so dang cute. Then I went to class and gave my presentation. It went really well. We had a substitute teacher today and he was actually really interesting and fun. (What a concept!) We all asked him if he would come back and teach more of our classes. Heidi told me that this new smoothie/juice place opened up right by us so after class you bet I sprinted there. (I didn't actually sprint, but I could've since my knee is feeling a TON better.) I felt like a fruit smoothie so I asked the lady what fruits I could choose from. She pointed to all of the fresh fruit and said, "Anything you see here!" I decided on mango and strawberry. As I walked out of the store sipping on my smoothie I got a big chunk of something. Mango skin. She did not peel the mango before putting it in the blender. If you didn't know, mango skin is kind of poisonous. All I could picture was my big sister's inflated rashy face after being exposed to mango skin a few years ago in Hawaii. She had to go to the hospital and legitimately wore a bag over her head for two days. But that's a-whole-nother story. (A pretty funny one too.) ANYWAYS, I immediately stopped drinking it and threw the rest of my smoothie away. I went to the grocery store to pick up dinner and when I was in line to check-out I felt my throat closing in and my breathing get heavier. That was all just me being paranoid and extremely overdramatic though, and everything turned out fine. For now at least… (If you don't hear from me tomorrow, though, you'll know why.) I returned to my apartment to finish cleaning and unpacking and worked on some homework. All of our papers and big projects are due next week or the following week, so I'm trying to knock those out so that I don't have to worry about them. (Me not waiting until the last possible minute to do homework? What?) Then I decided to watch a movie. Tonight's flick is…. DIVERGENT. Paige told me it was so good, so I had to see for myself. I'm going to go watch it now. BYEEEEEE.

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