Spilled Juice

day 78  //  florence

I had a few things to do before class today so after I woke up I ate and ran to school. I had to sign up for activities for the month (like cooking classes, etc.). They fill up super fast and I was a little late so I didn't get to do all the stuff I wanted this month, but it's okay because it was all basically stuff I have already done (I just wanted to do it again). We didn't have Made in Italy class today, we just had to stop by the classroom and pick up our midterm tests, so I did that. Then I went to the juice/smoothie place again. Don't worry I didn't order anything mango. I got a green juice with apple, lemon, spinach, and ginger and it was soooo good. They don't have lids there though so as I was walking back home holding my lid-less cup full of juice, I turned a corner and this guy on a bike cut me off and it scared me so badly that I flailed and spilled half of my juice on the sidewalk. (So far not having good experiences with my smoothies and juices from this new place…) Then I came back to my apartment to work on some homework due in Italian class today. After class I grabbed some dinner and headed home for night! Lots of papers and projects to do this week, so spending an abnormal amount of time working on homework which feels weird (and kinda just wrong) here.
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