Best Friends in Paris

day 74  //  paris

This morning we had to pack all of our stuff up so that when we came home at 2 we would be all ready to transfer to our hotel. We enjoyed one last time the view of the Eiffel Tower from our terrace before leaving the apartment. We decided to try something new for breakfast, so we went next door to the place we went the last two mornings and had basically the same breakfast plus fruit, granola, and a pancake. (HA) We were so full we thought we were going to burst. When in Paris right?......... Then we walked along the street where our apartment is and stopped in all the cute little boutiques and stores. Then we went to this amazing church (Mom you're going to have to remind me what the name of it was… I can't remember)  which is super close to our apartment. It was so pretty but sooo crowded with people. We were walking down the steps to leave and I heard someone tell my name. It was 2 of my roommates with another girl from our program! What are the odds? Then we meandered back to our apartment. We did not want to leave, we loved it so much. But the cleaning guy came and kindly booted us out. He had to clean it for the next people coming that night. Then we lugged our bags onto the metro to our new hotel. We had to walk a bit too but it was a really nice area so we didn't mind. We got to our cute little hotel (very little in fact) and checked in. After laying in our beds (me in my cot - haha) for a bit we decided to go somewhere to people watch. We went to a little drink place and say outside. We're in a super residential part of the city so it was pretty much all locals which was really cool. We loved watching the little kids chugging along next to their parents on their scooters and bikes. We even saw a couple 1-2 year olds on scooters. It looked fake cause they could hardly walk yet they were scootering like pros. So adorable. After awhile we went back to our hotel to meet Myranda! She is in Paris right now (did I mention this already?) so she and two of her friends met us at our hotel and then we went to dinner! We just walked along our street until we found something that looked good. We ate, caught up, and laughed for hours. Mid-dinner all of a sudden the lights turned off and these moving, multicolored disco lights turned on. Then karaoke started. People were singing and dancing and having a ball. We didn't realize we picked such a hotspot but it was quite the entertainment. French karaoke is funny, especially when the people singing it are a bit tipsy and definitely tone-deaf. Eventually we left and Myranda and I said our goodbyes. I sure will miss casually meeting up with one of my best friends in grand European cities. We returned to our hotel for our last Parisian sleep. *sigh*

Could barely fit it all on the table, let alone our mouths
GoPro selfie off the terrace
Apt GoPro pic
GoPro off the terrace
And again
Together in Paris!
You couldn't tell we were in Paris in the first one, so I made this one...
Which led me to make this one...
Barely fit it all on the table
Our apartment staircase - 5th floor!
In the apartment bedroom
Apt bedroom
Cute deco in the apartment bedroom
To the terrace
Apt kitchen

Cute hooks made form vintage books in our apt
Shelly and I got books to recreate this!
Huge couch in the apt
Apt bathroom
The church I forgot the name of…….

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