To Cinque Terre

day 67  //  florence  //  pisa  //  manarola (cinque terre) 

This morning we were on the move right way getting ready and packing up before hopping in a taxi to the train station. We quickly printed our tickets and boarded our train to Pisa. We knew we would want to see the leaning tower (I already have, but they haven't) so we allotted ourselves 3 hours in Pisa so that we could do just that. We stored our bags safely and sat down for a quick coffee and pastry at a little cafe. Then we headed in the direction we were told to go to get to the tower. We ended up taking probably the longest possible route with hardly any other people in sight, but eventually ended up at the tower. We took all the necessary leaning tower pictures of course. Then we headed back towards the station. We took the correct way this time and it took us through town and we loved seeing all the stores/shops, the street performers, and people everywhere. We even picked up some candied almonds and hazelnuts at a little stand for a sweet treat! We grabbed another coffee at a cafe before heading back to the station and retrieving our luggage. Then it was off to La Spezia where we got off and got on a different train to Manarola. We got off the train (alongside the ocean), walked through a tunnel, and asked a local man where we could find our hotel. He pointed across the street. Our hotel was about 20 steps (if that) from the train station. The town is tiny and we are right in the middle. It's too perfect! We checked in, got wifi and check our phones, then headed back out to explore! The city is straight off Pinterest - bright, colorful buildings all clumped together right on the water. It was raining so we didn't get many pictures, but we'll take plenty tomorrow. We stopped for dinner right next-door to our hotel (our hotel guy suggested it) and since it was only like 4 and the Italians don't eat dinner until like 7, we were the only ones in our little sheltered outdoor area. Our waiter was adorable and spoke broken English. He chuckled as we asked questions about the menu and the specials. Manarola is famous for their anchovies, pesto, white wine, and focaccia bread. We enjoyed 3 of the four at dinner - Shelly got anchovy spaghetti, I got pesto pasta, and my mom got this incredible looking seafood soup. It was basically 40 different sea creatures put into one bowl (bones, eyes, skin, and all) with broth poured over top. (You'll see in the picture.) I'm not extremely adventurous when it comes to seafood so I didn't try it, but she loved it. After dinner we walked around a little more in the dark before heading back to the hotel to rest up for a full day of exploring the beautiful Cinque Terre tomorrow! Here are a few phone photos we took today, we each took some on our cameras too, so those will be up eventually! I'll let you know so that you can come back and see them!

Leaning with the tower
Selfie with the tower!
We are so strong
Missed the tower but oh well
Best Pisa pic of the day
On the train!
Selfie in Manarola!
Welcome to Manarola
View out the hotel room window
Shelly at dinner!
Our dinner wine
Great dinner with a great view
Mom's seafood soup!
Manarola at night

At night
At night again!

Welcome to Manarola!
They are too funny
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