Shelly in Florence

day 66  //  florence

Because her body clock is still adjusting, my mom slept in a little more than usual again today. But she still made us some scrambled eggs before we left the apartment for the day :) We grabbed some coffee to go before heading out to explore. We decided to go to the Sant'Ambrogia outdoor market. We took the scenic route so that we could see as much of the city as possible. The market was adorable (the same one I went to last week for a class). They have clothes, books, fruits, veggies, cheese, bread, and anything else you could ever want. We shopped around a little before sitting down outside for a little early afternoon bite to eat. We ate at Drogheria and shared some fried dough falls dipped in cheese and wrapped in prosciutto. It's an Italian thing. Here in Italy they spend hours just sitting at meals chit-chatting, so you have to ask the waiter to bring you the check whenever you want it. Well we realized we had to go meet my Aunt Shelly at the airport soon so we asked for the check. We waited forever and we're getting antsy. After thirty minutes we decided to just go in and pay because we were going to be late. We basically ran to the train station where we decided to get a cab to make it to the airport on time. We got there and say and waited for awhile, only to find out her flight had some troubles and had to land in La Spezzio and that they were going to arrive on a bus in a couple hours. We had no way of contacting her because of the whole phone situation. We decided just to take a cab back to our apartment so that we could get wifi and hopefully contact her. We did and she ended up just getting a taxi once she got to the Florence airport. Shortly after she arrived at our apartment!! She had a bit of a rough day getting here, but she was ready to go as soon as she arrived, so we headed up to catch the sunset at Piazza Michelangelo. Just like the other night, we sat on the steps listening to live music as the sun went down over one of the most beautiful views of the city. After that we walked all over Florence, hitting all the major attractions trying to show Shelly as much as possible since this is her first and last night in Florence because we are leaving early tomorrow morning. Then we enjoyed some wine, Gusta pizza, gelato, and chocolate salami back at our apartment. I made sure they didn't miss any of my Florence favorites. Tomorrow we are off to Cinque Terre for a couple nights! I am so happy Shelly has joined us, can't wait for the Tremendous Traveling Trio to be in action. Hehe :)

In our cute apartment!
Gusta Pizza, wine, & gelato.

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