I got hit by a car?

Day 65  //  Florence  

This morning I woke up to my mom whispering, "Tessa - Oh my gosh. It's 11:30!" Coming from the woman who hardly ever wakes up after 6 AM, I couldn't help but feel a little proud. Plus she needed the sleep to start off the trip on the right foot (apparently there was a pretty winey kid on her overnight flight that kept her from sleeping). So we both quickly got up and ready for the day. We started the day with lunch, naturally. I insisted on taking her to Gusta Pizza - aka the best pizza in the world. We both got our own pizzas and ate the whole thing. (To be fair they aren't THAT big.) Then we just wandered across the Ponte Vecchio and walked around all over seeing all the hot spots. We stopped at a little outdoor cafe in a busy square and had some coffee while we people watched. We did a little shopping and just roamed around trying to see as much as we could. We even took some photo booth pictures. Then we had to venture back to the apartment because I had Italian class that I couldn't miss. It was only an hour long though, so I can't complain too much. After class I brought a bunch of my friends over to my mom's apartment so that they could all meet! She loved meeting them - she already felt like she knew them from me, my blogs, and pictures, so she loved finally meeting them for real. After my friends left to go get all their last minute packing done (they all leave for a 10-day trip to Greece tomorrow morning!) we grabbed some stuff at my apartment and then headed to aperitivo at a nearby restaurant. The place is right along the Arno River so we had a great view of the water and the Ponte Vecchio. We had a drink (she had a spritzer and I had an orange juice) and some little finger-food/appetizers for our dinner. Then we went across the street to the grocery store for some water and cookies before grabbing a little gelato on our way home. (One does not simply NOT have gelato AT LEAST once a day when visiting Italy. It's an unwritten rule.) Oh, forgot to mention that I kind of got hit by a car on the way to dinner. This car backed up right into me. Luckily my mom saw it happening and screamed my name so I quickly shuffled my feet out of the way before they ran over my toes. I was fine but they weren't concerned. It's a cool story nonetheless. 

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