
day 60  //  venice  //  murano  //  venice

This morning we had to had quick breakfast because we had to meet our tour guide at the Accademia Bridge. Today on the agenda was: Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Scuola di San Rocco, Rialto Bridge, and Accademia Museum. Photos weren't allowed inside most of the rooms and buildings today so I don't have a lot of photos! But take my word for it, every single room was amazing. After our tour ended at around noon we walked around the little shops by the Rialto Bridge on the Grand Canal. I realized I have yet to have a crepe since I've been in Europe (yeah I don't know how either) so we were on a mission for some crepes. The crepe gods were acting in our favor today because we quickly found this awesome little crepe stand where we all got banana-nutella crepes. They were so messy but oh so good.  Then we decided to spend the rest of our day island-hopping, so we bought our boat passes and jetted off to Murano. Murano is known for is glass-blowing so we went to a place where they demonstrated the process and we shopped around their gift shop and some other glass goods shops. We ended up talking to one of the workers at the first place and he suggested that we go to the rooftop bar at the Hilton for happy hour. He said it was on an island right by Venice and the bar had an amazing view of the city over the water. We were sold. He told us it was kind of fancy so we hopped on our water-bus back to our hotel where we freshened up before heading back out to find it. We got a little lost, but managed to find our way to the hotel across the water. There were 11 of us girls together and we thought we could all squeeze into the rather small hotel elevator  to get to the top floor and we managed to fit us all in there. But when it tried to go up, we ended up going down. Yes, we broke the elevator. We were stuck in there, pressing the emergency help button, for probably 10 minutes. It might not seem that bad, but picture 11 of us in there for that long. We were all sweating and it was getting hard to breath as 3 severely claustrophobic girls were trying to calm themselves down while another girl told stuck elevator horror stories and  the rest were trying to get everyone to shut up so we could hear if people were coming but it was hard to hear anything anyway because we were so tightly packed in there that one of girls' butts kept accidentally pushing the emergency button so it kept ringing and it was just lovely. Finally they got us out and everything was good. We decided to take 8 flights of stairs instead of another elevator ride though. But we made it. Happy hour was long gone but we made up there. We sat down outside overlooking the city and had some drinks and little finger foods while we laughed about the whole thing. After awhile up there we took the water-bus back to the main island where we sat down for dinner. Then we went back to the hotel and all hung out in one of the boys' room for awhile before heading to bed. Oh what a day.
Stuck in the elevator

With Dakota in Murano


Fruit & veggie stand on the water

Hilton Sky Bar


In Murano

Fruit & veggie stand on the water again

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