
day 59  //  florence  //  venice

Ciao from Venezia!! So this morning I woke up early to finish packing before I headed over to apartment #2 to meet them because we decided to take a taxi to the bus stop today instead of walking. We got there and loaded up for yet another 4 hour bus ride across Italy. We slept most of the way and woke up to some pretty darn beautiful scenery on the water. We had to take a ferry and I loved it. I miss being on boats, it's one of my favorite things. Not to mention it was literally the nicest day ever today. The weather was so absolutely perfect that it made it so easy to fall in love with the city so quickly. We checked into our hotel which is so stinkin' adorable. It's small, but quaint, and our room has these 3 huge windows overlooking a super green park area and it's just gorgeous. (You'll see in the pictures.) After we got settled in, we grabbed a quick lunch then headed to the Accademia Bridge which was the spot where our tour was to begin. We walked all over and toured the Saint Marco Church (we saw Saint Mark's tomb!) and the Palazzo Ducale. It was all so pretty but we couldn't help but think we were wasting our time indoors listening to museum history when the weather outside was so nice, but eventually our tour ended and we headed back to the hotel, grabbing some gelato on the way. We relaxed for a bit before heading to dinner. We ate at a little place near our hotel and got the normal pizza/pasta dishes. Then we headed back home to rest up for another day of tours tomorrow! Actually we only have a tour in the morning and we have the whole afternoon free which will be nice for us to explore! I am seriously in love with the city so far, everywhere you look is so picturesque and the water makes it so different than anywhere else we've been. I can't to see more of it tomorrow!

(Again - these are totally out of order - my apologies)

Saint Mark's church

Palazzo Ducale

Love Locks errywhere

Outside our hotel

St. Mark's Church -
St. Mark's tomb is right here in this altar

View from Accademia Bridge at night

Soooo many canal pictures

Candles in St. Mark's

Pigeon landed on this lady's head!

View from Accademia Bridge

Our hotel room

Water-bus to the hotel

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