Goodbye Dinner

day 104  //  florence

This morning I slept in (surprise) and after showering and stuff I got some fruit at the fruit stand and went to class. My professor lost his voice so our 2 hour class class turned into a 15 minute class. BOOYA. So I went home at watched some Gossip Girl until Italian class. After Italian I quickly ran home and got ready because our program's "goodbye dinner" was tonight. Some people are going back home this weekend so the goodbye dinner was tonight. So crazy because it feels like we were just at the welcome dinner! Anyways so after I got ready I went to croissants where we got a cab to the magnificent cloister “Cortile degli Uomini” of the Istituto degli Innocenti. We walked into this indoor/outdoor area and these well-dressed men in bow ties served us mimosas and champagne while other well-dressed men in bow ties walked around offering us appetizers. Everyone in our program was there alone with our professors and office ladies. We had a little cocktail hour just chatting and taking pictures before we headed into the dining area. We sat down at the big, round tables and sipped our champagne until they brought us more champagne, and wine, and our first course. Followed by our next 3 courses. Here was our menu for the night. 

The Menu
Table setting
Table buddes
Dining hall
First course
Second course
Third course
Fourth course
Dinner pictures

With Lyss at dinner

I was sitting at a table with a group of my close friends here and we decided to play "peak & pit" where you share the best part of your day and the worst part, but we did the peek and pits of the trip. Sal, a guy in the group and one our our friends, starting crying when we were going around sharing because he was so emotional about saying goodbye and then everyone else was shedding tears and comforting him and we all just couldn't believe this was all coming to an end already! After dinner and a few more pictures, we headed to Salamanca which is a Mexican bar I've talked about before. After we were there for a bit, in walk our professors and office ladies to come have drinks with us. Not very often can you say you've sat at a bar and had drinks with your professors! Heidi, Brooke, and I were ready to turn in early but we wanted to get "secret bakery" on the way home and it didn't open until 1 so we waited until 12:50 before scooting out and hitting up the secret bakery on our way home. There are a few "secret bakeries" around Florence and they're not exactly a secret, but they're only open at night (they usually open around 1 or 2 AM) and you just go up to the door or window and knock. Then someone will pop out and ask you want you want, but usually people just say, "surprise me". They have croissants, donuts, and sometimes even pizza. It's extremely fresh and when you're trying to find one, your nose is your guide because you can just smell the yumminess from a mile away. And it's just 1 euro per donut/croissant. Last night we got Croissants filled with Nutella and it was the best croissant I've ever had, and I'm not just saying that. Then we headed home, eating our ridiculously fresh and delicious croissants along the way.

Aperativo area
Mimosas all around
Cute server man
Huge bowl of straight up chunks of parmesan
Karley (CSU)
Lexie (CSU)
Lauren "Ponty" (Michigan) (& half of Bruno)
Heidi "Lil Heid' (Vanderbilt)
Dakota "Koda" (CSU)
Kaitlyn "Kait" (Dayton)
Champagne selfie
Marisa "Reese" (Penn State)
Cheers-ing to our little sisters
(We bond over the fact that we're both
obsessed with our younger sisters)
Michael "Farbs" (Penn State)
Alyssa (Penn State)
Ashley "Henley" (Penn State)
Lauren (Berkeley)
ROOMIES (Brooke and Lauren)
Henley again
(We have a big group text with all of us girls called "The Girl's Room")
Girls Room again
Girls room again
Girls room again...
Add caption
Paintball guns 
Jilly, Sal, Ponty, Koda

Italian class selfie (Jarrett and Lauren) (Plus Brooke)
"So full we can't breath" selfie
Random selfie
Cutest southern triplets in all the land
Secret Bakery
Secret bakery mission = success
Nutella croissant

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