Shopping and Gelato

day 104  //  florence

Heidi and I made plans to go to shopping this morning. There are two Brandy Melville stores in Florence and the one close to us that we've been to in pretty small, but there is a huge one across town, so we took a cab to the big one. We don't have Brandy Melville stores near us back home so we wanted to have one last shopping trip there before we leave! After we did a little damage, we decided to go to one of Florence's most famous gelaterias on the way home, Vivoli Gelato. When you google "best gelato in Florence", Vivoli is the first name that comes up, so we figured we just had to try it. It was delicious of course, but I'm still partial to P-corner gelato. Then we wanted a little lunch, so we went to Gusta Panino. We got our paninis then went out and sat on the steps in Piazza Santa Spirito to eat them. After that we headed back to our apartments. I just relaxed until my photography class. When I got to class, I could tell it was one of those days. What I mean by this is that I'm pretty sure my professor is bipolar (kind of joking, but kind of not) and he will randomly be extremely crabby and chew out our class for no apparent reason. Today was one of those days. He told us that we don't pay attention, we shouldn't be in his class, we don't listen, we ask too many questions, and that we are the worst class he's ever taught. He added that if we didn't want to study, we should've come here on a vacation and not studied abroad. (Previously he's gotten mad at us for speaking Italian in his classroom, because we are American and he is Italian, so we should be speaking English... only he can speak Italian.) These tangents come out of nowhere and we all look at each other in utter confusion because we don't know where they stem from, but oh well. We couldn't do what we were scheduled to do in class because of a printing problem, so he decided to just show us a documentary about a random photographer. He fell asleep and was sleeping during the whole 3 hour movie. (You probably are very concerned with my program/school now... don't worry, this only happens every once in awhile and he is the only teacher that this happens with. Plus there are a few girls who always seem to be on their phones in class, so they are probably the reason for these random rants.) After class I went to the fruit stand to grab a quick snack, then returned to my apartment to get ready for dinner. The whole Paintballerz group planned a nice dinner at Il Teatro. One of the guys, Jarrett, is leaving this Friday, so this is his "farewell dinner". We had so much pasta. Too much pasta to be more specific. They brought out appetizers, then another appetizer, then pasta, then another pasta, then some people left cause they thought it was over, then they brought out another pasta, and it was just a lot of food. After dinner everyone went to get gelato, but Heidi and I decided to skip it since 1) we were already stuffed to the brim, and 2) we had already had gelato today. So the two of us walked home and I crawled into bed for the night!

Random pretty view
Fruit stand snack
Heidi and I walked past this car today....
One of our appetizers at dinner... Fried dough balls
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