Notte Bianca

day 105  //  florence

So I'm not gonna lie, basically the only productive thing I did today before class at 4:30 was go on a run to Piazzale Michelangelo. Other than that I was a lazy bum allllll morning. Oh well. After class I grabbed some gelato at P-corner (why not?) and headed back to my apartment to get ready for dinner. We planned a sort of belated birthday dinner for Heidi since we were eating gas station food on her real birthday on our way home from Munich. We went to Trattoria 4 Leoni which is known for being one of the best restaurants in all of Florence. Guess where it is? It's in P-corner - just a 30 second walk from my apartment. They are famous for their pear ravioli so almost all of us got that, and it was soooo delicious. I also shared an appetizer of fried vegetables, which is apparently a very traditional Tuscan dish. Today is Notte Bianca in Florence, which is an annual all-night or night-time arts festival. There are concerts all over Florence in all of the Piazzas and food stands and light-shows and the whole nine yards. Everyone was out and about with friends and drinks enjoying the night and it was just a really cool feel. The cool feel was short-lived though, when I realized how much stuff I have to do before I leave for Amalfi tomorrow - study guides, projects, laundry, packing, etc. EEEEEK. Good thing we don't have any classes tomorrow - another national holiday. No complaints here.

On my run - beautiful Tuscan landscape
Going to miss this
Cute little path
Setting up for a concert at Piazzale Michelangelo
Pear Ravioli
Fried vegetables

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