
day 106  //  florence  //  sorrento

So most of you know I'm a bit of a YouTube junkie and love and follow several YouTubers religiously. Well two of the boys I follow are currently traveling Italy after a YouTube convention in Milan. Well they are currently in Florence and last night one of them Instagram-ed a photo showing that they were at one of the concerts in one of the piazzas. So at 2:30 AM (after I posted yesterday's blog post) I texted Dakota who is always obsessed and we agrees that we needed to find them. So we got out of bed, at 2:30 AM, and wandered the busy streets of Florence searching for them. One of them has pretty recognizable purple hair so we were peering through the crowds and crowds of extremely drunk people (because of the holiday), stepping in smashed glass bottles and fresh vomit, searching for the iconic purple hair. This was a lot of build-up for an unhappy ending, I apologize, but after a while we gave up hope and walked back home. (Sorry for the disappointing story.) We did see some really cool concerts, light shows, and these really cool balloon things in the Arno River. So it wasn't a totally unsuccessful trip. So now moving on to today. I slept in (no class remember?) and when I finally woke up I got some breakfast and ran a couple errands before locking myself in my room to do laundry, unpack and repack, and write my study guides for my finals next week. Eventually it was time to head to croissants and take a cab to the train station. It was quite an entertaining can ride though. Our cab driver was this British guy who sounded just like Russel Brandt with his probably drunk, hard-to-understand, British accent. He gave us a history lesson and a lot of good laughs all within about 10 minutes. (Not to mention the 5 minutes after we were already out of the cab at the station in which he continued his lesson telling me all about the architecture of the station.) Mid-lesson he would randomly comment on the old lady on the sidewalk or the huge truck he had just cut off. At one point his window was down and two women were having a conversation outside his window on the sidewalk. One of them said to the other mid-whatever they were talking about, "Yeah I've been there 3 times it's great." And our driver sarcastically yelled out the window, "Well that's just great then isn't it!" It was the most bizarre and funny experiences, let alone cab-rides, of my life. I even took out my phone and recorded some of it on video. Anyways, we got to the station and checked in for our very last Bus2Alps trip. Then it was 7 ish hours to Sorrento (I think that's where we are anyway.. We're not totally sure.....). We quickly checked into our rooms and dozed off for a brief 2 hour nap before we have to be up at 6 AM for a busy day exploring Capri!
Lights on the Arno

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