Caprese in Capri

day 107  //  sorrento  //  capri  //  sorrento

After our quick two hour nap last night/this morning, we were up and at 'em bright and early. We were the first ones down to breakfast at 6:45 because we wanted to beat the rush. We ate quickly and went back up to finish getting ready for the day. Then we met our guides in the lobby and walked down to the dock where a bunch of boats loaded us up and took us to Capri. Our boat doubled as our tour boat so when we reached the island we didn't get off, we circled the island on a boat tour. One thing on my to-do list for this trip was to go to the Blue Grotto. It's one of the Seven Wonders of the World and it's this cool cave that you go in in tiny boats and the sun hits the opening just perfectly that the water in the cave appears this perfect blue/aqua color. Even though I really wanted to do this, my hopes weren't high because the weather has been bad enough that they haven't been able to so it on any of the Bus2Alps tours yet this year. So we floated on up to it and they told us about it, then all of a sudden they said to get your money out if you want to go in and the little boats started loading up people and before I knew it I was ducking my head entering into one of the most famous and beautiful caves in the world. As soon as we were in, everyone was silent. It was one of the most peaceful moments I've ever experienced. Just like in all the pictures I've seen, the water glowed this absolutely perfect blue color and it was as if I had entered into this different world that genuinely took my breath away. I GoPro videod the whole thing as well as taking pictures with my big camera so even though it doesn’t do it slightest bit of justice, I can't wait to share the footage and photos because it was truly one of most magnificent things I've ever experienced. Then just like that we were back outside the cave allowing the next set of boats to enter. I couldn't really fathom what I'd just done, but all I knew is my mood had changed completely. I went from being a tired, crabby, and lethargic to being in the most energetic, happy mood. I was just so happy that I got to do that. (Shoutout to you Bus2Alps for making that happen - you sure came in clutch today.) Then we continued our boat tour around the island during which we saw the Green Grotto and the White Grotto. Not as famous but still so stunning. The green one is just a small cave where the water glows a perfect green color and the white one (no it does not glow white but nice try) is called the "white" grotto because white is the color of purity symbolized by the Virgin Mary and there is a high up cave that had a natural rock formation that looks just like a Mary statue. I didn't get a great picture, but you can google it. It's pretty unreal. We also saw some pretty dang incredible vacation homes - including those of Mariah Carey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ferrari, Gerber Baby, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, and Victoria's Secret. We also went under this arch (I totally forgot what it was called) under which we had to kiss a friend (Heidi and I kissed each other on the cheek) in order to avoid 7 years of bad sex. Boy was that a relief. After circling the island, we pulled into a port area and stepped onto land at Marina Grande. We bought it passes for the lift that would take us all the way up to the top of the island, CapriTown, for some great views and a yummy granita (aka traditional Italian slushie). It was really rainy but we enjoyed it regardless. Then we went up a little further to Anacapri where we had lunch and shopped around. We ate caprese salads and pizza for lunch. Caprese salads originated here in Capri so we just had to. (Capri pants were also started here, no joke.) Then we walked around, went the famous coral/turquoise custom handmade jewelry shop and custom handmade sandal shop. We stopped for a Nutella crepe too before heading back down to Marina Grande to buy some famous crew-neck sweatshirts (don't ask) and join our friends for a sit down drink while we waited for our meeting time. When that time came, we hopped back on our bus and headed back to Sorrento where we returned the hostel for the night. Well for me and Heidi anyway. The rest of the girls went out but Heidi and I were much too exhausted so we stayed in and got some pizza at our hotel restaurant and chatted for hours as usual. Then we hit the hay early to catch up on sleep. Tomorrow is a beach day in Positano. It's supposed to be pretty rainy though so Heidi and I might try to explore some more but we'll see!

Usually I like my toilet seats ON the toilet
Caprese in Capri
So there's this YouTube video about study abroad
that this guy made when he was abroad.
Well he made the video while on the Bus2Alps
Amalfi trip while staying in the same hostel I
am in. He was sitting on the couch when he filmed it!
Here's the video link if you want to watch

Rainy day selfie
Blue Grotto
Prepare for lots of Blue Grotto pics...
That all look very similar.....
Entering the Blue Grotto
Leaving the Blue Grotto
Right outside the Blue Grotto
Cute ole guy on his boat
I thought this was cute
Blue Grotto opening
Bottom right corner is the Blue Grotto opening
Blue Grotto little boats
Outside the Blue Grotto
Looking out the boat window
You'll see a lot of pictures like this too...
If you wave your left hand at this statue, it's good luck!
Rocks on the water
White Grotto
Arch we had to kiss under
And again...
More rocks and more water
Green Grotto
Biggest lighthouse in of all Italy (I think - either that or all of Europe)
Can you spot the black mountain goats?
Hole in the wall
Waving boy again

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