GoPro-ing (Apartment Pictures!)

day 88  //  florence

MY LAST SATURDAY IN FLORENCE. How bizarre is that? I'll be out of town the next 3 weekends so today was my last weekend in Flo. So hard to believe it's almost over! When I woke up, my roommate Lauren and I went for a run to Piazzale Michelangelo to start the day. I hit up Conad (the store) on the way home for some grocery stuff and also stopped at the fruit stand for an apple! Then I headed home to do some hardcore cleaning in my apartment. I still don't understand how it gets so messy in such a short period of time...... Oh well. I threw in some laundry too, then I decided, since I was home alone and had just cleaned my room, that I would take some apartment pictures! I decided to use my GoPro since you can get more in the picture so those are posted below :) When I got done with that, I was on a GoPro high so I decided to film myself walking around my neighborhood with my GoPro. I filmed my walk from my apartment to school, Gusta Pizza, P-corner gelato, the Ponte Vecchio, etc. They are pretty cool and they got me excited to use to my GoPro a lot more now! Because it's so small, it's a great way to document my everyday experiences without hauling around my big camera all the time. So stay tuned for that footage :) When my GoPro died I just continued walking around and enjoying my last weekend in Florence. To be honest, though, I like the week days here much better because on the weekends it just gets crazy crowded. So I'm not too sad because I still have plenty of week days left to enjoy in this city! For dinner, Karley, Heidi, Dakota, Lexi, and I got Gusta Pizza and brought it back to my apartment to eat. Then they went home and we all got some sleep because we have to be at the train station at 6:40 tomorrow morning. SIX FORTY. Yikes. But it's okay because we're going to one of my favorite places - Cinque Terre - for the day. Cinque Terre round 2? Don't mind if I do.

Entry way

First little hall - my room is on the right & the rest
of the apartment is on the left

Standing in my bathroom - overview of my room
(my bed used to be in the middle, centered under the window,
but I moved it cause it was a lot of wasted space)

My window - closets on the left and right

Main closet & desk

Coat closet & bed

View down from my window

View up from my window

View of my room from the window

My blue bathroom

Entry into the rest of the apartment.
This is a sitting area.. there's a little laundry room to the left
that you can't see

Little hallway leading to bedrooms #2 & #3

Bedroom #2 (Sam & Katie's room) 

Bedroom #2 closet

Bedroom #2 bathroom 

Bedroom #3 (Lauren & Brooke's room)

Bedroom #2 view from the window

Bedroom #3 bathroom - lighting is funky, but it's actually
an obnoxiously bright chartreuse color

View of main sitting area from the other side

Kitchen & living room

Kitchen & living room from the other side

Bedroom #4 (Haley & Rachel's room)

Bedroom #4 from the other side

Bedroom #4 bathroom

And lastly - today's gelato.
They had 3 new flavors today that I had never tried,
so naturally I got all 3.
Nutella, Coconut, and Blackcurrent.
All so, so delicious.

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