Boboli Gardens

day 44  //  florence

School is sooo rough. Today I had to go to the Boboli Gardens for photography class, UGH. (See photos below to see what I had to suffer through.) 

Isn't it gorgeous? Want to know the coolest part? This is all literally a 2 minute walk from me. This, my friends, is my backyard. Then we went to the Aldo Fallai exhibition. Fallai is a modern day fashion photographer made famous for his work with Giorgio Armani. Before I knew how old Fallai was, I asked my professor if he was had died or if he was still alive. My professor goes, "Oh no he's still alive! He was here just last month for the opening of this exhibit." It's just another one of those "only-in-Florence" things that I will never be able to fathom. 

Then I got some lunch and went back to clean my apartment before class this afternoon. I'm getting more sick - I think I have a sinus infection, which is weird because I don't think I've ever had one before. So any spare time I had today was spent in my bed and after class I grabbed some soup and fruit and snuggled into my bed for the night. I'm so excited to have 3 days of no plans ahead of me. I have several things I've been waiting to cross of my to-do list (like dusting, vacuuming, and washing my sheets) and I'm so looking forward to having them done!!

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