Lazy Day

day 43  //  florence

Today was the laziest of lazy days. My cold is getting worse I think and I didn't feel very well all morning, so I basically stayed in bed until I had class at 4:20. I got lunch and ran something over to a teacher at school, but other than that I was in bed. I watched the new Bachelor episode and edited some of Paige and her friends' senior pictures (more to-do list stuff). Then I studied for my Italian quiz that I had to take at 4:20. I've come to learn that Italian and learning a new language in general is really hard for me and class is a constant challenge. I find myself simply trying to make it through each class without making a fool of myself when she calls on me. Sounds silly, but it's true! Luckily the quiz today wasn't very hard. Then I went to dinner with some friends at a nearby cafe. Then it was back home in bed for the night. Crazy day right?
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