Dinner with Italians

day 35  //  florence

Still working on uploading pictures, my computer just really doesn't want to cooperate lately. I'm determined to get them up by tomorrow though so we shall see! Today I woke up early and went out to take some photos for my photography project. My topic is "Italians and Espresso" so my goal was to go to a cafe and sit and take pictures of the people drinking coffee around me. I soon realized how awkward it was to point a huge camera at someone a couple tables from you and take multiple photos of them (especially when my camera makes a noticeable noise every time I take a picture). So I sort of gave up for the day (I'm determined to think of a non awkward way to go about this assignment) and ended up sitting in a little lunch cafe for like 4 hours. I ordered a cappuccino and lunch, then I just sat there. I had my journal in my purse so I pulled it out and felt the urge to sketch. I spotted a funky poster on the wall across from me so I decided to draw it. 
Poster on the left, my drawing on the right (If you couldn't tell… haha...)
I don't remember the last time I sketched for fun but I forgot how much I love it. It was one of those really serendipitous things that turned out to be really therapeutic. Anyways... Then I went to class. After class I went home and checked off a couple things on my to do list, well tried to anyway, before going to "dinner with Italians". People from my program (who signed up ahead of time) met at a restaurant where we intermixed ourselves at the dinner table with young Italian students. We spent the whole dinner talking with them practicing our Italian while they practiced their english. I was seated right next to a young girl who was super funny and cool. She told us how she watched Vampire Diaries and the Bachelor, told us where to get the best gelato, taught us some Italian slang, told us of her plans to move to Canada with her Italian boyfriend when after she graduates, and more. She is studying languages and currently knows 7 different languages! We were talking so much that we didn't even realize how much food we were eating and how incredibly full we'd gotten, but when dessert came she taught me a very important Italian phrase, perhaps the most important Italian phrase I'll ever learn. "Per il dolce c'è un altro stomaco" which means "for dessert, there's another stomach". Haha! We blew each other kisses as we said goodbye and then I returned home where I watched the Bachelor and went to bed!

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