Olive Oil Tasting

day 34  //  florence

Happy Monday! Today was a good day. I got to sleep in a little (okay a lot) and woke up just in time for class at 2:30 (okay more than a lot). Then for class we watched a documentary about extra virgin olive oil made in Tuscany and the director of the film was there in our classroom! How cool is that? Then when that was over we had an olive oil taste testing with a professional taste tester! Only in Florence right? It was so cool. Then we got done a little early so Heidi, Lauren, and I ran to the fruit stand for a quick snack in between classes. Then I had Italian class. I'm starting to enjoy it more and more because I'm understanding so much more and am able to follow my professor. It's so cool to be able to understand her when she's speaking in complete Italian. Still can't really speak it to save my life, but hey - baby steps. After class Lauren, Heidi, and I went to dinner and gelato. (A new gelato place opened right by us so we had to try it.... Haaad to.) Then I came home for the night to start on the million things I needed to get done. Being gone all weekend, every weekend really makes me feel like my life is constantly in shambles. I'm excited to have a weekend where I'm not traveling to relax and have time to check off things in my to do list. But I'll have to wait another week! This weekend our whole program is going to Rome Thursday through Sunday. I'm really excited to go and see the big sites there. And possibly also see two very important people. One being Myranda, and two being THE POPE!! I might get to go see him at the Vatican on Sunday which would be AWESOME but I'm not positive yet. I'll let you guys know :)
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