All Day in a Bus

day 33  //  prague  //  florence

Ahh it's a great day for another 13 hour bus ride am I right?? So we woke up early to pack up, grab some breakfast, and check out. We had a little extra time before our departure time so we saved ourselves the best seats on the bus and went to the convenient store to get some roadtrip snacks and to spend the rest of our crowns. Then we boarded the bus and began our 13 hour bus ride back to Florence. We stopped somewhere in Germany to get gas and food, so I can now say I've been to Germany too! (Well only a gas station, but it still counts.) The drive home was so pretty. We usually drive home in the dark so it was cool to be doing it during the day when it was light out and you could look out the window and enjoy the drive. I loved it. We watched movies the whole time too which always helps make the trip go faster. We finally got home around 11 and after getting a quick bite to eat (from McDonalds at the train station... Yum...) I walked home and crawled into bed in hopes of catching up on some sleep and being able to function in class tomorrow!

PS - In the process of adding more photos and videos to my chocolate festival post and my Prague posts, so check those out tomorrow! My posts from this weekend got out of order for some reason, but I fixed it - so please read all about my fun weekend trip to the beautiful city of Praha!
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