Getting My Life Together

day 22  //  florence  

Today was a "get my life together" day. I slept in a bit before I showered and got ready for the day. I grabbed lunch with Lauren before class at my new favorite cafe right by my apartment (the one right across from my favorite gelato) and we had a little extra time before class to get gelato too :) Here's a photo of the cafe and gelato place, as requested by my mom.
Cafe on the left, gelato on the right
And here is a video of all the amazing, unique gelato flavors this place has. They change everyday, too. The guy said he was just about to go squeeze some oranges to make orange gelato for the following day. (Excuse me while I die and go to heaven.)
Also requested by my mom, here's a video of me showing you guys the street that I live on. It also shows how close I am to the above cafe and gelato place.

Then I went to class! I had two classes today - first, "Made in Italy" and after that I had Elementary Italian II. They went really well and I really like my professors. I learned more in the two hours of Italian class today than I did in two weeks with my other professor… But he was so cool that it made up for it. After class I was feeling a little stressed with all the mention of homework, projects, papers, and tests, so I went a bought a planner and some folders so that I could write everything down and get organized. I sat in my room for two hours straight going through all my papers and writing down everything in my planner. I felt so much better after doing that and I finished just in time for aperativo at a nearby restaurant. After we finished eating, we went back to apartment #2 to hang for a little bit and discuss what we needed to pack for our weekend trip to Interlaken, Switzerland that we leave for tomorrow night. We ended up just sitting around taking and sending ugly snap-chats of ourselves to each other. Here are a few of my favorites.
How pretty are my friends?? Then I walked back to my apartment. For some reason my room arrangement was stressing me out (so random and weird, I know) but that fact that my bed was right in the middle of my room wasting space on either side was getting on my nerves so I rearranged my room and moved my bed into the corner. (I promise I'll have apartment pictures up soon!) I felt like a new person afterwards. Little things like that can make a big difference to me. I feel like my room won't get messy as easily with my new set-up which makes me happy. Okay moving on… Then I packed for Interlaken. (Don't worry Mom, I got my big, warm coat and all my hats, gloves, and scarves, so I'm prepared.) I'm so excited for my first real weekend trip (apart from school trips). This is the first of many and once this schedule starts it's not slowing down for awhile! But guys, don't you fret, the buses we're going on for most weekends have WiFi so I can still blog everyday. I know you were worried.

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  1. Oh my gosh, the little streets and cafe look soooo cute. Is there actually room for a car? Lovely pics of your friends - I'm sure they'll appreciate those. The rest of this week will fly by...enjoy!! love, mom

  2. I miss you lucky duck. I am very jealous LOVE U Oona


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