In Love with Interlaken

day 24  //  interlaken 

Guys I might never leave Switzerland... It's so incredible here. The lakes, the buildings, the Alps... ahhhh the Alps. Right now it is safe to say that Switzerland has my heart. This morning we woke up around 8:30 to get ready and grab breakfast down in the lobby area of our hostel. Here is a quick tour of the hostel. I found out that it is supposedly one of the top ten hostels in the world, so that's pretty cool.
Then we had to meet at 9:30 for our walking tour of the city. It was pouring rain the whole time so it was hard to take pictures, which drove me insane because I wanted to take pictures of everything. Literally everything is so gorgeous. Interlaken is pretty small so we just walked around a bit and saw Lake Brienze which was breathtaking. I don't have any plans for tomorrow so I'm going back to take more pictures and explore a little more. (I didn't bring laptop here so I won't be able to share any pictures from my camera until Sunday or Monday.. So check back on these posts then to see those!) Anyways, then we grabbed lunch at a little Thai restaurant by our hostel. Everything here is sooo expensive, but oh well - so worth it :) I am going canyon jumping here on Sunday, and some of my friends did it today so I was watching their videos and it got me SO EXCITED. I can't wait to do it. Then at 4 we had a "chocolate tour". We showed up too early for our time slot so to kill some time we went to the top of the tallest building in Interlaken where there's a restaurant with the best views of the city. It was so pretty. You could see both the lakes from up there along with basically the whole entire city of Interlaken because it isn't very big. I took lots of pictures and even a few on my phone so that I could post them tonight for you it's to see :)

View from the hotel restaurant
Beautiful city of Interlaken!
Then I was time for our chocolate tour! There they showed us how Swiss chocolate is made and even let us sample some :) I asked the guy making it if he ate it all time time and he said, "No I never eat it. But I am forced to sample it. We must make sure it is good quality... We are victims of the job." A poor, poor victim, indeed. On our way home from the chocolate tour we rented snow pants and boots for night sledding later that night. Then we finally got on a van to go night sledding around 8 (we were supposed to go at 7 but the gondola broke temporarily..). We drove up the mountain pretty high only to then get on a gondola ride to an even higher spot up in the Alps with incredible views. It was dark and I only had my phone so I couldn't get any pictures but it was just one of those thing you'll have to just try and picture in your head. We walked over to our take off spot, carrying our sleds, where our guide gave us a very quick demo on how to steer, turn, and not fall off the edge of the mountain. Then we began our 7 mile sled down the Swiss Alps in the pitch dark. I didn't know if I was going to go really fast or if I'd be a little cautious but...... I went really fast. I was actually leading the group (like I was in front of the guide sled) for a good portion of the trek. I felt like I was in my element so I was just cruising! It was so much fun, so much better than I even expected! We stopped at different checkpoints to, just to make sure we had the whole group together and that no one accidentally flew off the side of the mountain (because that was scarily possible). Each checkpoint was another breathtaking view of Switzerland from up in the Alps. It was so surreal. When we were finished, we drove back down to our hostel and returned our snow gear. Then we went back to our rooms and quickly fixed ourselves up a bit so that we could grab some dinner before everything was closed. After eating, we went down to the club/bar place right in the downstairs of our hostel. It's the place to be apparently. There were people waiting in lines outside to get in, but since we our staying at that hostel we just showed our bracelets and got right in. It was pretty crazy and packed full of people. We were there for a little while but we were all so tired that didn't stay out too late. I'm so excited for tomorrow. I have no plans or obligations, I simply get to explore this breathtaking city. Hopefully the weather is a bit nicer and I can take all the photos I want because this place really is too beautiful for words. 

Our adorable hostel
The "Metro Bar" right down stair at our hostel 

View from hotel cafe
More amazing views 

Night-sledding crew (See sled in front)

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1 comment

  1. You stay BEHIND the guide from now hear me? love, mom ;)


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