
day 57  //  florence

Today was day 57. I have 58 days left. I am halfway done with this experience. WHAT. 

Actually trying to comprehend that right now.

Moving on. So today I woke up, showered, went to the fruit stand, and then sat in my room and studied for my last midterm! I didn't study before today so I was kind of freaking out that I wouldn't have enough time but I underestimate how long I have until 2:30 everyday. With that said, I had plenty of time to study (and watch YouTube videos… and online shop… and nap…) so it worked out perfectly. After my Made in Italy class it was time for Italian. I took my test and it was not bad at all! It was the hardest test I have taken so far, but I feel good about it, so I'm not worried. After that I went back to my apartment to get ready for dinner! Heidi's family is in town and her parents wanted to treat all of us (by all of us I mean the croissants - have I told you guys about the croissants yet? It's my main group of friends here - there are 8 of us. We have a group text message on Viber that we all talk on and on Viber you can name your groups and one day someone in the group renamed ours to "The Croissants  and so it was born.) Wow that was a long side note. So Heidi's parents wanted to treat all of us for dinner, so they made reservations at this super nice place nearby and we met Heidi's parents and brother there and had an awesome dinner of bread, deli meats and cheeses, soup, wine, ravioli, steak with potatoes and mushrooms, and 4 different desserts. It was so yummy and so nice to meet Heidi's family! They were too sweet. Then I went back to my apartment to get some sleep before early class tomorrow. Then Friday is Venice, yay!

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