One Down, One to Go

day 55  //  florence

COMMENCE MIDTERM WEEK. Right when I woke up this morning, I made a quick trip to the fruit stand to grab some fruit to snack on. I got banana chips there too. I recently discovered their banana chips and I'm obsessed. (I feel like I might have talked about this before but I can't remember… Oh well.) Then I went back to my apartment and spend the rest of the morning studying for my midterm. I'm glad I did too because I felt very prepared and I think I did well! Whoop whoop! So naturally I rewarded myself with my favorite gelato. Naturally. Then it was back home to work on some Italian homework before Italian class, because I mean why not wait until the hour before class to do homework I knew about all weekend am I right? After Italian class, I went over to apartment #2 because it is Dakota's (one of the CSU girls) birthday tomorrow and they made her a cake and had the lights off and surprised her and sang to her when she came in! Then we ate some cake while we waited for the restaurant we wanted to go for dinner to open. (It doesn't open until 7, along with basically every other restaurant.) (Oh and yes we did have cake before dinner.) We had dinner, then headed our separate ways home where I worked on my photography project and presentation for tomorrow and planned a few things for when my mom and aunt visit Florence!! 

PS - Because of Daylight Saving Time I'm only 7 hours ahead now instead of the previous 8! So now I get to watch the Bachelor Finale earlier!!!! (And I get to talk to you guys more and whatever, but come on, we all Bachelor Finale is way more important.)
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