Sunset Run

day 54  //  florence

Today was a lazy morning with a busy afternoon/night. I slept in (a lot - like a LOT) then my friend Kaitlyn who slept over at my apartment and I laid in bed for a long time just being lazy and showing each other funny videos and old, embarrassing Facebook pictures. When we finally decided to get up, we went to The Diner to get ourselves some omelets and smoothies. YUM. Then I had to take some photos for a photography project, so we walked around a bit while I took pictures. Finally we made our way back home. We decided to go for a run to Piazzale Michelangelo so that we could watch the sunset from up there, so we quick got ready and met up with Lexie and ran there. We made it just in time - the sun was just setting as we arrived! We sat on the steps listening to an Italian woman sing and play the guitar and watched the sunset. It was so peaceful and amazing and I just loved it. It was the first time I had seen Florence all lit up at night like that, and I will definitely being doing that again. 

(Did you hear the song, Mom? She sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and I couldn't help but think of you!)

Florence at night
Then we went back to apartment #2 to plan out our Easter Break trip to Barcelona. We didn't get it fully planned because we decided to save it for tomorrow since we all have midterm tests tomorrow that we needed to go home and study for. So that's what I did. I have two midterms this week - Made in Italy on Monday and Italian on Wednesday. Then I have a Photography project and presentation due on Tuesday. Then it's the school trip to Venice this weekend AND THEN MY MOM AND AUNT COME FOR SPRING BREAK!!! Can't believe how fast time has flown by, but I cannot wait to see some familiar faces. :)
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