
day 47  //  florence

So this morning was yet another "sleep in, lay in bed for awhile, still feeling crummy, eventually decide to get up and go get something to eat" kind of day. Despite all that being the same, today was different. As I left my apartment en route for breakfast and turned the corner after my street, I stopped. To my left were two older Italian men laughing and playing their accordions, to my right was an Italian couple sharing a morning gelato, and directly in front of me (zooming towards me actually - I had to jump out of the way) was a younger Italian man going a little too fast on a segway. I savored the rest of my walk to the store realizing how insanely lucky I am to be living in this amazing city. It was just one of those "HOLY COW TESSA YOU LIVE IN ITALY" moments that I get every once in awhile. Moving on, so I got some food and went back to my apartment. I finished up laundry and cleaning and then got back to editing the rest of the senior pictures I needed to do. I had an odd craving for dinner - PB&J. So I went to store and bought the fixin's. (Yes, I found peanut butter - and it's SKIPPY can you believe it?) They don't sell bread like they do in the states, so my options were limited. I ended up getting this thinly sliced super dense bread that kind of looked like really hearty whole grain bread with nuts and stuff in it. It wasn't really what I had in mind, but I like really hearty breads like that so I thought it was good. Then I watched a little Shark Tank and did a little in-room workout before it was off to bed for this girl. This lazy weekend was just what I needed to recharge both physically and mentally. So now I'm ready for another week of class and whatever else Florence has in store for me. YAY!

PS - Forgot to tell you guys. I found out that the cliff I just jumped off of in Switzerland is now crumbling and is currently shut down due to major safety issues. So… yeah.
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