
day 48  //  florence

I wasn't kidding when I said I was recharged. This morning I woke up early, went for a run, and grabbed some breakfast all before the time I usually wake up. GO ME. Then I came home to shower and get ready for the day. I had lots of extra time before class, so I worked on some homework and editing I needed to do. Then I went to class. Today in Made in Italy we learned that there is no such thing as fettucini alfredo or macaroni and cheese here it Italy. So that's a little depressing. After both my classes were done I came home for a bit before going to appertivo with Heidi and her boyfriend who came to visit. (I'm a great third-wheel - right Missy?) We sat and ate and talked for a long time, then we got gelato before heading home. Then I snuggled in bed and watched The Wolf of Wall Street. After the Oscars I am suddenly in the mood to watch all the movies that I haven't seen yet that were nominated, so tomorrow night is Dallas Buyers Club! 
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1 comment

  1. The best third wheel I could ever ask for ;) Jake misses you


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