Tomorrow, Tomorrow

day 63  //  florence  

I let myself sleep in today and upon waking up… I FELT GREAT. 100% better. YAY! (So I think it was just food poisoning or something.) After cleaning and doing some random things I needed to do, it was time for class. Today was the first day of photography that didn't feel like it dragged on forever. And that's a feat for a 3+ hour long class. After class I did some more errands and picked up some dinner. I came back to my apartment for the night to finish everything I needed to do and then it was off to bed. Wow I just realized what a lame day I had today. Oh well. MY MOM COMES TOMORROW!!!!! She is actually in flight across the pond as we speak and I could not be more excited. I cannot wait for her to get here and then a couple days later - my aunt comes!!! I'm seriously obnoxiously excited. I just want to break out in song - "TOMORROW TOMORROW I LOVE YA TOMORROW YOU'RE ONLY A DAY AWAY".
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