Beach Day in Barca

day 94  //  barcelona  

Since some of the girls were out until 5 in the morning (that's how they do it here in Spain) we slept I until around 11. Then we got up and got our beach bags together because today was our beach day. We grabbed some Starbucks then headed to the beach. We walked there and I'm so glad we did because we saw these awesome fountains, little markets and shops, cool cafés and restaurants, and other just super cool buildings and stuff on the way. Not to mention it we were basking in the sun the whole way. The weather was perfect. Hot but not too hot.  We walked a ways before finally reaching our destination, and we made sure to stop at the store for water and snacks before setting up camp. We found an open spot on the beach and parked it for the rest of the day. We laid out for hours and got some nice tan (burn) lines. There were so many random people selling stuff on the beach: mojitos, beer, tapestry (I bought one it's so cool), coconut (got some of that too), henna, massages, you name it. Kinda got annoying but hey they gotta make money somehow right? We also swam around in the sea and I got to use my GoPro underwater for the first time. Can't wait for you guys to see some of that footage. Eeeeek. At about 5 we decided to head back to the hostel to shower and get ready for the night. We made dinner reservations at 8:30 at this place called Salamanca. We had some friends suggest it to us so we had to try. It's right along the beach and from the second we got there we were welcomed so warmly (maybe too warmly.... I guess that's what we get when we travel in a pack of 6 girls). They gave us sangria and we ordered seafood pajeija that was so scrumptious. They also tried to force a few other kinda of alcohol down our throats (kidding, sort of). Then we all packed into a cab to go meet Jilly (girl from our program) who is here at a hotel with her family. The can driver was so adorable and turned up the radio super loud so that we could jam out and when Kaitlyn pulled her phone out to take a video of us dancing, he turned in the lights in the cab SK that the picture would be better. So cute. Also, Dark Horse by Katy Perry came on in the car and be pulled out his phone and shazamed it because he liked it so much. How stinkin' adorable? Then we for to Jilly's hotel where we went up to her super nice room and hung out with her family for a few hours. I talked to her mom for probably an hour and she was just so cute. Jilly has 2 sisters that are here too so we met them! Made me miss my sisters a lot! Finally around 1:30 AM the girls decided it was time to leave cause they wanted to go to a club. I wasn't feeling well and decided to go home, so I had to take a taxi by myself. Weirdest taxi experience of my life. First of all, I had the address to our hostel written down wrong so we went completely away from where we needed to go and had to turn around. Then the cab driver started asking me questions and asked where I was from, I said Canada. He eventually asked me for my name, I said Ashley (still upset I couldn't come up with anything better than Ashley). Then he continued to tell me how Ashley means angel/angelic in Spain and how fitting the name was for me. Then he brought up how convenient the location of the hostel was - right by McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks, the strip club........................... Yeaaaah. Then when we finally got to the hostel, I realized I had no cash on me and he had to drive me to the nearest ATM so I could get cash to pay him. So dysfunctional. Then I came back to my lovely room where I hopped into bed within 5 feet of 6 complete strangers. Yay! ;) 

Guys I love Spain already. Barcelona is so perfect. Can't wait to explore more!

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