Tourist Day in Spain

day 95  //  barcelona 

We slept in a little again today, but got ready quick and headed to lunch at this funky cafe near our hostel. I had a Moroccan chicken salad and green tea and it was delicious. When we got done eating, we were waiting for a couple girls who ate somewhere else so we were standing outside the cafe and this guy with some physical (and most likely intellectual) issues came up to us and asked for money and food. We said no and ignored him, but he didn't back off. He then started to play with himself. That's when we quickly decided to scurry away. People are weird. Then we walked to the metro and took it to La Sagrada Familia. Holy moly is that a gorgeous church or what?! We just stood there and stared at it for awhile because we were so mesmerized. Then we headed off in search of Gaudi Gardens.  We got a little lost but eventually found them! They weren't as big of a deal as we expected, but still so, so pretty. We spotted a  Starbucks and stopped for a quick caffeine boost before going to Park Güell. All the tickets were sold out so we couldn't get in the actual mosaic wall area but we still were able to walk all around and see it from above. I love the little Christian Spanish touches everywhere around the city, like the big crosses on the hillside. Everything's so pretty. Then we took a taxi back to the area by our hostel where we got lunch at a nice place downtown where I got the best burger of my life. It had goat cheese, arugula, and cranberry jam on it and it was heaven on a bun. After lunch we went to Mercado de La Boqueria which is this huge market with every kind of yumminess you could ever want - fresh seafood (fresh as in still moving), meat, exotic fruits, smoothies for days, chocolate, candy, bread, and more. I got some chocolate and a dragon fruit to try just cause they're so pretty. As we were walking out my purse accidentally knocked over a small fruit cup on one of the stands and I didn't even realize it happened until the lady literally yelled and me. I felt so bad and apologized and she goes, "You not sorry. You pay." So I had to pay for it and I was so mad. She was just so mean about it. Ugh. Then we walked back towards our hostel and did a little shopping along the way. We got back to the hostel where we napped (they napped, I uploaded pictures) for a bit. Then, since tonight is a chill night for everyone (we're getting up early to go to Easter Mass in the morning), we just had a relaxed dinner at our hostel's restaurant. Then we went out for ice cream and came back to hang in our room. We have a few new roommates today and we got to know them pretty well. There's one British girl that's hilarious, and two girls from Wisconsin who are currently living and working in Germany. One is a preschool teacher and the other is an au pair. I asked her all about her experience so far because I've always been interested in being an au pair abroad. Then there's another roommate who's from Minnesota. Small world isn't it? So cool though.

(Pictures to come!!)
Lunch cafe!
My yummy lunch
La Sagrada Familia 
Most amazing church I've ever seen
From down the street
Playing at Park Güell
Park Güell
Mosaic Wall
Mosaic wall again
Touristy Barcelona
Mosaic Wall
Palm trees & the city
Not sure what this is called, but I love it
(Mom do you know what this is called?)
Just some random buildings
Street view
Park Güell
Street view
The whole crew at Park Güell
We have an unusual friendship
Snapped this cute picture of Karley
And this one of Marisa!
She's so mean
Hi Barcelona
So telling
She was on the struggle bus
Had to try!
Chocolate treats

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