
day 92  //  florence  

After I woke up this morning, I had some breakfast before I did some homework due today and memorized my speech in Italian. I don't know if I've ever freaked out more about a speech than I did about this one today. It wasn't even long or hard at all, but the fact that it was in a different language just completely freaked me out. I went early to class because I had to run to the library to print out my speech, then I spent all of my Made in Italy class saying it over and over to myself. Then it was finally time for Italian and my turn to give my speech and I wish I could tell you how it went but I was so nervous that I kinda just blacked-out while I was giving it so I don't even remember what I said or how I said it. At the end my professor said, "Brava Tessa!" So I think that's a good sign, right? Oh well, either way it's over now and I don't have to worry any more. After class I decided to get dinner at JT Caffé (the one I just discovered). I got this awesome salad - seriously SO awesome. I took a picture so you could see how awesome. It had bacon on it. BACON. Then I got their special little gelato dessert thing and it was also extremely delicious. I like that place a lot. Then I came home to pack and work on my photography project. Off to Spain tomorrow night and could not be more excited! It's our Easter break (aka we have Monday off) so I'll be spending the next few days in BARCELONAAA. I don't even know why but I've been anticipating this trip for so long. I feel like I'm just going to love it. All I can think about it the Cheetah Girls Movie, "YOU GOTTA STRUT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, FREEEE YOUR MIND." Watch out España, I'm coming for ya.


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