Emotional Class

day 99  //  florence

So this morning I was on a mission for one thing and one thing only: souvenirs. I've picked up a few things here and there in the past few months but I with time running out faster than I could imagine, I knew I had to get the rest of them as soon as possible so that I wouldn't be worried I was leaving anyone out. So all morning I ran around from shop to shop, market to market, searching for specific things I had in mind. And I did pretty well, with only a few things left to get. So it was a very productive morning. Then I hit up the fruit stand on my way home and spent the next hour studying for my Italian quiz before class. Then I had Made in Italy which we did nothing in (I studied for Italian), and then went to Italian to take the quiz. After the quiz, we had a lady who works for our program come in and talk to our class about enjoying the time we have left, reflecting on our trip and our goals we had going in, reverse culture shock, and more. It was really interesting to put into perspective the amazing experience we are currently coming to the end of. It still feels like this is all a dream and that none of it has actually happened. I don't know if it ever will. She told us that the class before us cried because they got so emotional about everything she was talking about. Our teacher in our class was crying too, because she was just overwhelmed with how lucky we were to have such an awesome opportunity like this. It is pretty crazy when I think about it, but like I said, still just doesn't seem real. Okay enough sappy stuff, after class I met Heidi, Karley, Lexie, Dakota, and Kaitlyn for dinner at Gusta Osteria. We ended the night with gelato from P-corner of course. Then I came back home to finish ordering Paige's graduation invitations and work on my photography project. Heidi came over too and we researched juice cleanses because she's going to do one when she gets home and wanted to pick the best one. She chose Suja if you were wondering ;)

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