
day 100  //  florence  //  munich

Hello from Germany!! Today was an unusual day. I woke up for class at 8:30 and decided that I didn't want to go to class today. I had an absence left to you and the rest of the class days are important (tests or presentations) so today was the last day I could use my absence for, so I did. I just skipped class. My Italian teacher told our class about this handicrafts trade fair that was going on today so I decided to go to that! I trekked across town to this indoor civic center type area. I had to pay to get in but it was so worth it. There were multiple areas/buildings, I couldn't believe how big it was. One building for art, one for crafts, one for beauty related things, one for home goods, and (my personal favorite) one for food and drink. Yes that's right, a whole building fill of stands off all difference types of food and drink. And SAMPLES, oh samples for days. I was in heaven. I spent the entire morning there wandering from room to room, building to building, smelling soaps and tasting olive oils. I didn't want to leave. Unfortunately I had to though, because I still hadn't packed for my trip for Germany. The bus was leaving at 7 and I had Italian class for an hour before. Then I realized, hey why don't I just keep my streak going and skip Italian? I had an absence left to use in that class too, soooo I did. (Sorry Mom) So I spent the afternoon shopping around the markets, getting some more souvenirs. Then I returned home to pack and have a bite to eat before it was time to head out. I met at the croissants and we took a cab to the train station. We checked in with the Bus2Alps people then headed to the bus where we loaded up for the 8 hour ride ahead of us. We watched a few movies, stopped for gas and food, and finally arrived in Germany around a littler after 4 in the morning. We have to be up at 8 for a bike tour around Munich so here's to a quick nap for the night!


Wedding Vespa photo shoot I stumbled upon
Craft show
Craft show
Craft show
Cake at the Craft Show
Craft show
Craft show
Craft show
Craft show
Great gelato place I found on my way home
Kait being a loner

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