
day 101  //  munich

So remember how I said we were getting up early for a bus tour? Yeah that didn't happen. We all decided sleep was more important so we slept a little longer before getting up and ready. We went to breakfast and then walked around to the downtown area where all the shopping and restaurants were. Munich is so pretty. It's very Americanized but has it's own identity at the same time. I was definitely pleasantly surprised. We were on a dirndl hunt (which is that little outfit that German girls wear with the blousy shirt, dress, and apron. We wanted to get them and wear them for the rest of the day and tomorrow since we were going to be Springfest the whole time where everyone wears them. After a long search, we finally found some that were in our price range and got them. They are seriously hysterical looking. So tacky but so fun. We went back to the hostel to get ready for Springfest which, if you don't know, is a huge festival/carnival with rides and food and LOTS of beer. Not just any beer though, steins (AKA huge pints of German beer). There are huge tents with tons of tables that people just go to sit, eat, and drink all day long. We got there around 4 (all wearing our dirndls, looking absolutely ridiculous, but it's okay cause everyone else was wearing them too, and the guys were all wearing lederhosen) and immediately went to go find pretzels. We heard they had the biggest, best soft pretzels ever so we were way too excited to try them out. They were literally the size of two human heads put together, but the taste didn't live up to my expectations. Oh well. Then we got bratwurst, if course (making sure we try all of the German delicacies). Then we headed to a tent to sit and chill for a bit. Everyone got beers and just sat and drank for awhile. I really am not a fan of beer so I didn't really drink any but it was still such a fun atmosphere. Like I'm at Springfest, equivalent to Oktoberfest, in Munich, Germany right now. Like this is the real deal. Then a group of us wanted to go on some rides so we did that and had a blast. They were literally the best carnival rides I've ever been on. Each ride lasted a long time so you felt like it was worth the money it cost to ride it. Plus, there were no lines so we hardly had to wait at all. Then we walked around some more, got some chocolate covered bananas and corn on the cob, and tried to go meet up with the rest of our crew who was in a beer tent but it was so crowded and the wait was so long to get in the tent that we just decided to call it a night and head back to the hostel. We were so ready to get out of our tight, airway-constricting dirndls. It was such a fun day, but we were so ready to climb into bed.

Happy dirndl girls
Pretzels the size of our heads
(Someone else's) Stein selfie
The Carnival
Dirndlz & Pretzelz
I'm awkward
Pretzels & Dirndls!
Awkward matching folk family
(Again with someone else's beer)
Carnival corn

Dirndl fam

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