
day 86  //  florence

Woke up dreadfully early (aka 6:45) so that I could get ready and get to Croissants by 7:30, so that we could catch a cab to the police station place we had to go for our meeting. The meeting was to get our fingerprints and stuff, because now that we're past 3 months here we're no longer "visitors" and we have to get our fingerprints taken since we technically "live" here now. It really doesn't matter, but if we were to get in trouble and not have done this, it could get ugly. So mainly it's just a precaution. So everyone had different meeting times, some went yesterday and some today. So a few of us (me, Heidi, Karley) all had an 8AM time for this morning. We met a large group of other kids in our group there and they basically went in alphabetical order. So we got there at 8, but some people sat there waiting until 12. Luckily we got done our 10. Then we hit up The Diner on the way home (which is the place that has all American style food - eggs, pancakes, burgers, milkshakes, etc.) for lunch. Nothing like a little taste of home. They have the best smoothies there. (You guys probably think all I eat/drink are smoothies, but trust me - this is nothing compared to when I'm at home. I LOVE SMOOTHIES.) Then we all headed back to our own apartments to chill until class. (I've started rewatching Gossip Girl episodes whenever I have down time and I'm obsessed all over again.) Oh forgot to mention that because of our meetings today I didn't have photography class this morning, but I still had to go to Italian class at 4:20. I'm not usually one to have significantly negative thoughts about my classes, let alone share them, but I really do not like my Italian class. My teacher is super nice and tries so hard, but for some reason I just can't seem to absorb anything and am constantly left feeling so stupid. I've never been so frustrated with a class before in my life. I dread going every single time. I think my language learning abilities are maxed out or something, that's the only explanation I can think of. Now that my rant is over........ After class I grabbed some dinner and that was all for the night! 

Paige left this morning for her mission trip in Jamaica! So proud and excited for her!! She sent me a picture of her seat number on her boarding pass... it was 1D (as in One Direction). She said, "It's fate." Can't wait to hear about her adventures over the next 10 days!!

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