Raunchy Movies

day 85  //  florence

I woke up early today to run to my new favorite park again! I took a few pictures to share with you guys... They don't do it justice but at least you get a bit of an idea :)

Almost no one around!
Perfect spot
I stopped at the fruit stand on my way home to get an apple before I returned to my apartment to shower and get ready. I also had to study more for my Italian quiz today. Eventually I had to go to class. In my first class we watched another movie. Another raunchy, sexy, druggy, spouses-cheating-on-eachother, kids-rebelling-against-their-parents movie. I'm starting to think all italian movie have the same basic story line. Also, if these are considered "not as bad" or at least "not as bad" enough to show in class, what are the bad ones like? Eek. Anywayyys, then I had to take my Italian quiz, which went well! I know I sound repetitive because I always say my test and quizzes go well, but I mean it, they actually have all gone pretty well so far. And today's was no exception. After class I grabbed some dinner and headed back to my apartment for the night! Nothing exciting, but I have to be up early for my police meeting tomorrow, so you'll hear all about that because supposedly it takes like 4 hours. YAY.
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