Central Park?

day 83  //  florence

What an unexpectedly good Monday! I got up early because I wanted to stray away from my usual run course. I went the total opposite way I usually go and it was the best thing I ever did. I came across this massive park with kiddie carnival rides and tons of booths for a market. Nothing was up and running (I later found out the market and stuff is only open on Tuesdays), but there was this huge open park area and only a few people around, it seriously felt like I was in Central Park or something. I decided to lay in the grass and get my tan on. I laid out for about 45 minutes just soaking up the sun and listening to my music until this guy came and sat on a bench nearby and I got weirded out and left. He was harmless but it was time to go back anyway! So I ran back home to shower and get ready for the day. (Still can't believe what a hidden gem I found... I'm seriously never running anywhere else but there.) Eventually it was time for class, but we barely did anything in my first class and we got out early. (So Lauren and I went to the fruit stand.) And in my second class we watched a movie and got out early! It was great. Then Karley and I had to go to a passport photo booth to take pictures for our police meetings on Thursday. (We all have scheduled meetings where they take our fingerprints and stuff.) Then Heidi and I went to Caffe Pitti for our favorite salads and grilled veggies! She was gone in Croatia all weekend so we had some stuff to catch up on! Then it was back home for the night to finish Paige's graduation invites and all that good stuff that's coming up way too soon!
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